Monday, October 8, 2012

Happy 30th Little Brother

Dear Ryan,
     Time flies. It seems like only yesterday when we used to go to the pool and you would fearlessly jump from the side into the pool where I with outstretched arms would catch you. It made me proud how unafraid you were at two and a half to three years old. You were a blast. All of my friends liked you even though you looked like Cowboy Bob Orton. All of the games of "punch" with the couch cushions, and gunfights with banana guns. So much fun. Great times! Memories that will last a lifetime.  
     Then, you were older, a pre-teeen and then a teenager. You were still pretty fearless. Skateboarding as much as you could, road lugeing down the hill, and basketball on the deck were pretty common. We went to some great DMB concerts. You grew into a pretty cool kid. A brother to be proud of. I think I did not like myself back then so I was always expecting you turn into someone I did not like. At the same time I always tried to keep tabs on you through friends from Sonoma hoping that you did not make some of the same stupid mistakes I did. To my joy, you didn't. The feedback I always got was that you were great, and I agreed. Everyone liked you at school and work. Little by little my fears started to subside.
     Its weird that since I lived back and forth so much I have to jump so far ahead each time. Fast forward to the last few years. It has been so good to spend time with you although the times are few and far between. I wish we saw more of each other, but am grateful for the times we are together. It has been nice becoming close with family the last few years. It is something I always wanted, but felt was out of reach for me. Boy was I wrong. I look forward to each big holiday, as I know that it means we will be together again. People are getting old, and it is nice for us all to be together.
     You have done good in building a life for yourself. You have a great wife, and someday you may even have a child or children. I hope so. Sam needs a little cousin out here to play with. If you like what you are doing keep at it. If you do not find what you really want to do and bust your ass. Things get better at thirty, but forty is just around the corner. I wasted a lot of my adult life, and want better for you. Do not worry I am not criticizing your life, I am just trying to make a point. It really helps to be doing something you love to do. I am grateful for the success that I have had in such a short time, but am also incredibly fortunate that things have happened the way they have.
   Man, this is not so festive sounding is it. Anyway, I love you man and wish the best for you. For me turning thirty was lots of fun. I hope you party like a rock star, and am bummed that you are not coming up here to let us celebrate with you. Everything in life gets better the older you get, at least for me it has. I truly hope that you enjoy your birthday. Now go get your drink on!!! You only turn thirty once!

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